Banners, Signs, Flags & Stickers

Banners, Signs, Flags & Stickers

  1. Corflute Signs

    Corflute Signs

    Corflute boards are cost effective outdoor promotional boards If your customer list consists of tradie's or any customer that advertise outdoors than this really is a core product. Corflute is lightweight, fairly rigid and really cost effective. However it does have flutes running through the boards which are visible to achieve this. Fill out our pricing form to get pricing for this product. We can supply corflute boards to custom sizes and shapes under 2400mm x 1200mm as well as a range of finishing options.
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  2. Foamed PVC  Signs

    Foamed PVC Signs

    Foamed PVC boards are a great internal board solution Foamed PVC boards are a very durable indoor boards solution. Being a condensed foam board it does carry some weight and is more dent proof than fome-cor. However this stock is not rigid, due to the makeup it can take a fair bit of heat in rooms which get hot in Summer. If you have clients who need a retail, exhibition or general display then this is a suitable product. Sign up for our price list above to get set pricing on this product. Or contact us for custom quoting.
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  3. Fome-cor Signs

    Fome-cor Signs

    Fome-cor boards are a lightweight and fairly rigid board option Fome-cor boards are used instead of Foamed PVC panels when you need something lightweight and rigid. The only negatives of this board stock is they can warp in heat and can dent easily. So these would not be suitable in a window. This is a great promotional board solution for your customers. Fill out our pricing form to get pricing for this product. However we also do custom sizes and can also do custom shapes as well.
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